Seattle Public Schools

Strategic Plan

Culturally Responsive Workforce

We will build a culturally responsive workforce. Our teachers, leaders, and staff will effectively support students and families utilizing culturally responsive practices.

Culturally Responsive World

Through training, our educators and school staff will gain skills to make learning more culturally relevant and recognize and celebrate the unique gifts of each student. Culturally responsive practice helps students feel safe, valued, and more ready to learn. It helps reduce gaps in opportunities for students and creates a warm, welcoming environment for students, families, and staff.

We will not only develop a culturally responsive workforce, but one who actively engages in anti-racists practices.

Seattle Public Schools is also focused on recruiting and retaining more teachers and staff of color, to ensure a diverse workforce representative of our broader community.

Focus Goal

  • Our current focus goal for this priority is to focus on staff improving their culturally responsive professional practice through training.

Continuing area of focus

In addition to our focus goal, we are continuing to work on:

  • We will intentionally recruit and retain educators of color and diversify our staff and leadership at both schools and central office.
Woman playing ukelele with children singing

Focus Goal Infographic

We created this infographic to further illustrate and communicate our intention, tactics and progress for this focus goal. Feel free to download, share and print.

Culturally Responsive Professional Practice Infographic